Tours and Safaris

Hell’s Gate National is located between Lake Naivasha and the Longonot and Suswa volcanoes on the floor of the Rift Valley (68 km2). The National Park represents an area of geological action that has led to different land formations, such as hot springs and geysers due to ongoing geological processes, resulting in led to exceptional and beautiful scenery.

The park is also known for its variety of wildlife and scenery, including the Fischer’s Tower and Central Tower columns and Hell’s Gate Gorge.

The landscape at Hell’s Gate National Park is characterized by stunning volcanic scenery such as towering cliffs, gorges, rock flowers, belching plumes of geothermal steam, and extinct volcanoes.

The park has a variety of wildlife, though in small numbers, such as lions, buffalo, hartebeest, hyena, and baboons, as well as over 100 bird species, including vultures, swifts, and Verreaux’s eagle.

It is ideal for rock climbing, cycling, guided nature walks, birdwatching, and photographic safaris.

Please contact Simba Paka Safaris for more information.

Hell’s Gate National Park
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