Exclusive Safari for bird watchers


Wildebeest Migration 2024 After the rains, when the Masai Mara`s golden savannahs turn green, the most mesmerizing wildlife spectacle anywhere takes place here: The Great Annual Wildebeest Migration.

Between July and October, one and a half million wildebeest accompanied by vast numbers of zebra and gazelles, make the long and dangerous trek from Tanzania`s Serengeti, northward to this corner of Masai Mara Kenya.

Lines of animals stretch as far as the eye can see across the open plains. They come to give birth to their young ones and the grasslands echo with the sounds of the newborn. It is a time of plenty. But it is a time too, when the predators are drawn from all around; high above on the hot winds, the carrion birds, vultures, and eagles soar in the long grasses lion, cheetah, Leopard, and hyena prowl.

Most dramatic of all is the moment when the migration arrives at the Mara River; they must cross it to reach the rich grazing areas on the other side. It takes the bravest to plunge first into the swirling currents and thousands follow. Meanwhile, keen crocodiles cruise the waters.

Situated right inside the Masai Mara Game Reserve our guide will try as much as possible to make sure you explore and see the wildebeest migration.

Simba Paka Safaris is an expert in organizing the 2024 wildebeest Migration Safaris to Masai Mara National Reserve and Serengeti National Park. Are you planning a holiday for 2024 to visit Kenya or Tanzania and see the great wildebeest migration, you are at the right place to help plan and book an amazing safari holiday. On this summer holiday wildebeest migration safaris, you can also include a visit to other National parks for wildlife viewing, boat rides, and cultural visits.

Every June up to September of each year, most countries located in the northern hemisphere are affected by summer where most schools, as well as institutions of higher education, decide to break off to take advantage of the prolonged daytime and warm weather. While most summer holidaymakers prefer to visit beaches, Simba Paka Safaris has quality summer holidays for family, friends, and private and group safaris.

What is wildebeest Migration the Great Wildebeest Migration happens every year and involves over 1.5 Million wildebeests and thousands of Zebras (pioneer grazers) Migrating from Southern Serengeti plains and Ngoro Ngoro crater to the Southern parts of Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya and back to Serengeti. It is named the Great Migration because it is not like other migrations this is unique and hard because it involves a clockwise movement of wildebeest and Zebras spanning an approximate 3000 Kilometer journey as they search for fresh grounds and rear their calves during seasonal changes every year.

The Great Migration is an epic safari option recommended for many travelers visiting Kenya and Tanzania this will give you the best African Safari Experience.

Pocket-friendly Summer Holiday Wildebeest Migration

 4 Days Wildebeest Safari

5days Wildlife safari

8days Kenya Safari

14 days Kenya Tanzania

7days Taste of Kenya

9 days Magical Kenya

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